The launching ceremony of the book “Sports Sociology” written by Mr. Sudarshana Keerthirasthnage who is a Physical Instructor of the Department of Physical Science was held at 10.00 a.m. on 5th of July 2017 in the Sumangala Reading Hall.Read More
Ven. Prof. Bellanwila Wimalarathana Thero, Chancellor and Prof. Sampath Amaratunge, Vice-Chancellor had a meeting with Mr. S. Nicholas, Representation of the European times on 3rd July 2017 at the Office of the Vice-Chancellor. The Vice-Chancellor stated that the University is the largest state University in the country in student population wise and situated in Colombo district...Read More
With the donation of the audio equipments and the monetary facilities by Ven. Prof. Madagoda Abhayathissa, thirty three (33) written books had been converted into audio books with the help of the undergraduates of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. These 33 audio books were included verities of subjects such as Sociology, Psychology, Sinhala,...Read More
The Official Launching Ceremony of Research Clusters and Poster Exhibition and Poster Exhibition of the final year students of the Department of Business Administration was held on 28th June 2017 at University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Prof. Sampath Amaratunge, Vice chancellor of the University graced the event as the chief guest. Read More
The Inaugural International Conference on Economics and Development (ICED 2017) was held on the 15th and 16th of June 2017 in Colombo. The conference was hosted by the University of Sri Jayewardenepura with the collaboration of the International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM) and chaired by Dr. (Mrs.) Sumudu Perera, Senior Lecturer of the Department...Read More
“ஜபுர வர்ண2016” 43வது வர்ணவிருது வலங்கல் விழா, 2017ஜூன் மாதம்21ஆம் திகதிகொழும்பு“வோடர்ஸ்ஏஜ்” ஹோட்டலில் இடம் பெற்றது. இம்முறை விருது வழங்கல்விழாவைவிளையாட்டு கவுன்சில் மூலம்ஏற்பாடுசெய்யப்பட்டது.Read More