The representatives of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) had a discussion with SJP on 17th May, 2016 at the university premises for future university greening projects. Organized by the Department of Accounting (DA) of FMSC, the discussion provided an opportunity for UNEP and UNITAR...Read More
ඕස්ට්රේලියානු විද්යාර්ථීන්ගේ සංගමය මගින් පිරිනමන විශ්ව විද්යාලයේ ආර්ථික අපහසුතා වලින් පෙලෙන සිසුන් සඳහා ශිෂ්යත්ව ප්රධානය කිරීමේ රැස්වීම 2016.05.17 වන දින පෙ.ව 9.00 සිට පැවැත්විණි. This post is also available in EnglishRead More
Professor Ali Parsa, Dean of the Faculty of Real Estate and Land Management, Royal Agricultural University, United Kingdom visited the department of Estate Management and Valuation during 04- 06 May 2016 to evaluate the B.Sc. Estate Management and Valuation Degree programme (EMV Degree) as an external examiner. This is a mandatory evaluation as per the...Read More
ආචාර්ය ගීතා තරංගනී මහත්මිය ජපුර වෘත්තිය මාර්ගෝපදේශන ඒකකයේ අධ්යෂක ධූරයේ වැඩ භාර ගැනීමේ නිල උත්සවය මැයි මස 12 වනදා පැවැත්විණි. This post is also available in EnglishRead More
“When an egg is pressurized from the outside, it breaks and marks the end of a life. However when an egg is pressurized from the inside, it breaks and life begins. Similarly all great things begin from within the individual.” Rohan Pallewatta, CEO of Lanka Harness who provides airbags and seatbelts for companies with high...Read More