Now you can watch video lessons and download pdf files on 2016 A/L Model Papers compiled by University Professors and Lecturers. You can access to these lessons in University of sjp Open learning platform ( A/L 2016 Model Papers – Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics A/L 2016 Combined Mathematics Model Paper by Kapila Silva A/L 2016 Biology by Prof...Read More
Speaking to Live at 8 Mr. Romesh Liyanage, a Researcher of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura and Dietician Prof. D.T.B Wijeratne, discussed the following important matters regarding spices and their healing powers. Spices in general have the capacity of increasing the memory due to its strong aromas however the nutrients of many spices can...Read More
A workshop organized by the Faculty of Graduate Studies to finalize the student handbook of FGS was held on 15th July 2016 at Citrus Waskaduwa. Course coordinators, chair persons of board of studies were present at the event. Read More
53rd Commemoration of Reverend Weliwitiye Sri Soratha Thero: the trailblazer of contemporary Piriven University system and the pioneer of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura was held on 15th July 2016. In 1956, following a change of government with Solomon West Ridgeway Dias Bandaranaike as the prime minister and conforming to the policy of promoting...Read More
The surroundings of the university as we are aware, is on a journey towards profiling into the concept of a “University village” and the opening of the ATM machine of Commercial Bank (PLC) marked yet another milestone in this endeavor. The Commercial Bank ATM located opposite university was ceremonially opened on the 14th July 2016...Read More
The menstrual cycle begins due to the hormonal changes that occur within the body of a girl child and it results in menstruation occurring every 28 days/monthly (approx.) However the this cycle may not be consistent and it may have certain unusual side effects. Is it a matter that one should be concerned of? The...Read More
Sky Café, the current talk of the town is located on the fourth floor of the latest addition to the Science faculty, the East Wing. It was ceremonially opened on 7th July 2016 by the Vice Chancellor of the University together with faculty staff and students. Sky Café the first of it’s kind, built...Read More