Opening ceremony of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Sri Jayewardenepura was held on 28th, September 2016. The occasion was headed by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Sampath Amaratunge. Dr. S. A. A. M. Subasinghe, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Academic and non academic staff members participated to the event. The Faculty will serve to...Read More
“Meeting environmental challenges in developing economies” Fulfilling its mission for the 21st consecutive year “21st International Forestry and Environmental Symposium 2016” organized by the Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenepura was successfully held on 23rd & 24th of September 2016 at Heritance Kandalama, Dambulla. Honorable minister Mr.Susil Premajayantha, graced the occasion as...Read More
The orientation programme which was organized for the student who have been registered for the external degree programme in Bachelor of Humanities and Social Sciences (General) was held on 25th September 2016 at Faculty of Applied Scioences, University of Sri Jayewaqrdenepura with the participation of Vice Chancellor Prof. Sampath Amaratunge and academic staff members. Prior...Read More
The foundation stone of the much awaited addition to the university, the Faculties of Technology and Engineering were laid by the Chancellor, Ven. Bellanvila Vimalarathana Thero and the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Sampath Amaratunge on the 22nd September 2016 at the Techno Park, Pitipana, Homagama. This 7.5 billion worth new development which is a result of...Read More
The Department of Public Administration of the Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce, University of Sri Jayewardenepura has been in collaboration with International Graduate School of Accounting Policy of the Tohoku University in Japan since 2014. We have jointly organized some seminars, presentations, conferences, and industry visits both in Sri Lanka and in Japan. Another...Read More