Launching ceremony of the “Welsaye Geththama” novel written by Ishara Kannangarage, Undergraduate Student of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, was held on 26th October 2016 at Sumangala Reading Hall. Prof. Saman Chandra Ranasinghe, Department of Languages and Cultural Studies and Performing Arts, Dr. Priyan Perera, , Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, Mrs. Kusumalatha Lankamulla and...Read More
“University Investment Day 2016” organized by the Department of Finance under the supervision of prof B.B.P.H Dissabandara,Head of the Department of Finance,University of Sri Jayewardenepura, in collaboration with SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka), CSE (Colombo Stock Exchange), Students’ Association of Finance was held on 25th October 2016 at Fayol Hall, faculty of Management Studies...Read More
Director, Interdisciplinary Center for Innovation in Biotechnology & Neuroscience, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, (Sri Lanka) Professor Ranil De Silva delivered a talk at Panjab University (PU) during the 8th Basic Science Colloquium. Professor Ranil De Silva delivered the talk on the topic of “Banking the brain and blood: What Sri Lanka can offer for multidisciplinary Collaborative...Read More
Opening Ceremony of the Science Board Room was held on 24th October 2016 at 03.00 p.m. The Board Room is a modern meeting space located at the 3rd floor of the new building complex , Faculty of Applied Sciences. The Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura Prof. Sampath Amaratunge,former Vice Chancellor Dr. N. L....Read More
“Recollections 2016 – Sing Along with C Plus” is a musical evening organized by J’Pura Catholic Graduates’ Society for the purpose of strengthening the undergraduate scholarship fund facilitates by J’Pura CGS. Event was graced by Rev. Fr. Dushantha Perera OSB; Chief Advisor of J’Pura CGS, Rev. Fr. Jude Chrysantha Fernando; Chaplain of Colombo Archdiocesan University...Read More