This is the main unit which provide technology facilities to the Faculty of Management Studies & Commerce. For the academic use of the students there are 7 computer Laboratories with a network connected to 420 computers. Out of these two laboratories are set apart for internet and other requirements at the students and other Laboratories are u~ed on time tables under the supervision of Lecturers. This will fulfill the requirements of the future management and consist of Modem Technologies. Although these seven Laboratories are separate, Lectures and used data will be broadcast in other Laboratories through Audio visual aids. Information Technology Resource Centre is opened daily from 8.00 a.m. to 8.30 .p.m. and used by more than 5000 undergraduates and Postgraduates. In terms of the memorandum of understanding with Microsoft Company software of all computers consistof most modem licened software could be obtained and action in this connection will be taken by Information Technology Resource Centre. Internet facilities of the Technology Resource Centre without wiring within the building and outside is available and students could use. 20 Academic Staff members in the Information Technology field serve the Technology Resource Centre and is managed by Coordinator