November 9, 2015


mahayana tripitaka donation
The Life Care Education Society & Buddhist Association of China/Taiwan/Malaysia presented Mahayana Tripitaka to three significant institutions, namely, Sri Jayawardenepura University, Pali & Buddhist University and the Bellanwila Temple , on 6th November. The presentation took place at the Bellanwila Temple of which the chief guest was the Minister of Justice & Buddha Sasana Hon.Wijeydasa...
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dengue prevention discussion
A meeting to discuss dengue awareness and prevention was held on 06th November with the participation of the Vice Chancellor, the Registrar, Snr.Asst.Registrar, university medical officers, wardens and officials from the dengue eradication program together with representatives from the police department. The prevailing condition regarding the spread of dengue among students and the university staff...
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