July 28, 2015


Open learning al model papers 2015
Model papers prepared by Academics of University of Sri Jayewardenepura can be downloaded from Open Learning platform of the University. http://www.sjp.ac.lk/sites/openlearn/course/al-2015-exam-model-paper-discussions/   A/L Combinef Mathematics Model Papers by Kapila Silva, Lecturer, Department of Mathematics http://www.sjp.ac.lk/sites/openlearn/lesson/model-paper-al-2015-combined-mathematics/download-al-2015-mathematics/ A/L Biology Model Papers by Prof. Hiran Amarasekera,  Department of Forestry and Environment Science http://www.sjp.ac.lk/sites/openlearn/lesson/al-2015-biology/ A/L Economics Model Paper by...
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convocation garduate list
41st Convocation of University of Sri Jayewardenepura is held from 28 -29 July 2015 at Main Hall of BMICH, Colombo. Special suppliment of Convocation which contains messages by Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, Deans of Faculties and Registrar is published on Daily News Paper today (Tuesday, July 28, 2015). This also contains names of all graduants. Read...
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